We are now recycling farms plastic.
At A2Z Tyre Recycling we recycle your farm plastic waste at our purpose built site in Swansea.The plastic is shredded, washed and granulated into a form that the plastics industry can readily use to manufacture items such as grain store flooring, fence posts, patio furniture, compost or recycling bins etc.
Our system is simple and enables you to comply easily with your Duty of Care and Crop Assurance Schemes. Using our service means that you can be reassured that your waste is being processed in the UK. When we use the term recycle we mean we recycle it and that we’re not just a waste transfer station like so many others companies who will lead you to believe that they are recycling it when they’re not. As part of your Duty of Care make sure you ask what is really happening to your waste – you are still responsible for it even after you have transferred it to someone else.
Need a Collection For a Farm Plastic ?
request a plastic collection
Call 07388 904 733
ALL Farm Plastics Must be in woven Bulk Bags
(Minimum half Ton Collection)
- Clear plastic film (eg clear shavings bale shrink wrap)
- Silage sheet
- Silage wrap
- Plastic feed bags
- Paper feed bags
- Woven polypropylene bags (fertiliser or seed bags)